Pastor Christopher D. Hurns

Pastor Hurns was born in Chicago, IL. He grew up as a member of the Temple of God Church under the leadership of the late Pastor Lois A. Gardner Powers.

Having a father that is in the Ministry, Pastor Hurns was always active in the church. He started singing in the children’s choir and moved his way up to be the director of the Adult Inspirational Choir.

It was at the age of 16, when Pastor Hurns began to seek a deeper and more spiritual relationship with GOD.  It was during one weekday revival service that he dedicated his life to the LORD.

Being moved by the Holy Spirit, Pastor Hurns began to use his free time studying the word of GOD. While being trained in the ministry, he was called upon to teach Sunday school.

In August 1995 Pastor and First Lady Hurns was united in Holy Matrimony. They were blessed with two wonderful girls Kryslin and Barbara.

In 1999 Rev. Christopher Hurns was called into the ministry. While still under the leadership of Pastor Powers and the watchful eye of his father Elder Charles Hurns, Pastor Hurns delivered numerous soul searching sermons and have led several uplifting revivals.

In 2007 Pastor Hurns was asked to oversee the youth ministry at The Church of Living Faith under the teachings of Pastor Milton L. Shelby. Being led by the Holy Spirit and being moved with compassion for the youth, Pastor Hurns left the Temple of God Church and joined The Church of Living Faith, where he and His family worshipped until the Lord called Him to establish Be Blessed Outreach Ministries in 2010. 

Be Blessed Outreach Ministries is a nondenominational ministry whose primary focus is worship and the word of God.

Pastor Hurns' style of teaching is compelling and comforting, encouraging and empowering. Challenging his audience to always look for the hand of God in every situation.